Your location:Home > News > GLA Membership Renewal-MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt Ltd in India
Time:2018-01-31 Publisher:Bill Num:7191
Dear GLA Membership,good day
We have the honor to announce that MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt Ltd join GLA family as India membership by membership renewal. If you need service from/to India, you can contact Mr. Alag, below is his contact details and company brief introduction.
Managing Director
MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt. Ltd.,
# 33/17, Level IV, Lakshmi Towers,
T.C.St., Parrys, Chennai – 01, India
Mob. + 91 9840038099
Tel. +91 44 25210042/3/5/9/50/69/70
Company Brief introduction:
Established in 2003, MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt Ltd, INDIA , first started moving dry vans and was more focused in ODC (Over Dimension Cargo). With a foreseen rapid development in ODC sector apart from conventional dry vans, MTL became the key player in India for ODC within a short period of time with our own fleets of Special Equipment, dry Vans, fully equipped and also handing other overseas principal boxes, container yard and fleet of Haulers with a highly qualified and dedicated workforce, who is on the job around the clock.
Fully insured, owning a bill of Lading which is duly registered with the Director General Ministry of Shipping India. With the help of Trustworthy, Active Network Partners with no Customer Complaints, MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt Ltd , India , is a strength to MTL line to be the Leader in the field of ODC.
MTL has become the leader in moving project cargo from source to destination anywhere in the word within a time with their expertise knowledge in handling project cargo Is your cargo cannot be containerized because of its shape/size/weight?
We take care of it!!
By definition, special transportation projects require equipment and process that can accommodate out-of-gauge cargo. But equipment and transportation processes only tell a half the story. Before any equipment is moved, thousands of hours are required to plan the hundreds of details that will guide the eventual shipment, plus any large-scale disassembly and reassembly that might be required.
MTL assigns a multi-disciplinary team of engineers and transportation specialists to conduct feasibility studies of optimal heavy lift equipment evaluate transport modes, plan routes, select service providers along the way, secure appropriate customs documents, handle insurance and liability the list is nearly endless. Whenever and wherever a MTL needs to be on-site you can be sure they will be present.
Our Services -
Project Cargo Management
Specialized in OOG cargo in Container
Specialized in Cross Trade Movement
Break Bulk & Chartering
Area Covered on NVOCC
SE Asia
Middle East
Red Sea
African ports
Welcome MTL Marine Trans Logistics Pvt Ltd join GLA family as India Membership.
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