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New Golden Member From Brazil——Prompt Brazil Logistics

Time:2021-06-25 Publisher:Kevin Num:5641

It is our great honor to announce that Prompt Brazil Logistics has joined GLA Family as a golden member from Brazil.If you need Brazil service, you can feel free to contact Ms. Eliana Lubke.


About Prompt Brazil Logistics

Acting in the market since 2006 Prompt has started its journey in the city of Esteio near the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre. 

And as it says the name the goal will always be to serve promptly to the logistic necessities and to be a facilitator for its clients operations. 

Searching for the continuous growth the company moved to So Leopoldos city downtown strategically located in Vale dos Sinos region and Porto Alegres metropolitan area where is acting until today. Prompt is in favor of a comprehensive logistic that seeks to attend the clients necessities. 

We understand that each process is also a new challenge in the search of harmony and connection between the origin and the destination. There are no barriers just limits to be crossed.


Their Services Include:

  • Sea freight forwarder , Air freight forwarder , LCL , Perishable Shipments , Live Animal shipments , Others ,

  • Break bulk , Heavy-lifts chartering , Roro logistics , Oog containers , Others ,

  • Inland transport , Custom brokers , Warehousing , Packaging , Insurance services , Port services ,

Let's warmly welcome Prompt Brazil Logistics to join GLA Family from 2021 to 2022.


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