Time: 2021-10-21 | Publisher: Kevin
At present, routes around the world have been delayed due to port congestion. Among them, the delay time of trans Pacific route is the most prominent. Taking the ports from China to the west coast of the United States as an example, data show that the transportation time of this route has doubled in the past six months. A...
Time: 2021-10-21 | Publisher: Kevin
It is our great honor to announce that Pyramid shipping SARL has joined GLA Family as a golden member from Algeria.If you need Algeria service, you can feel free to contact Ms Asmaa - Zerzi.About Pyramid shipping SARLOur main activities are based on transportation by Air and sea Freig...
Time: 2021-10-20 | Publisher: Kevin
Global port congestion and rising freight rates have become the main theme of the shipping industry this year.With the strong demand for imported goods, labor shortage and the impact of the epidemic, the tension in the global supply chain is becoming more and more serious.Generally speaking, ports in many countries are congested to var...
Time: 2021-10-20 | Publisher: Kevin
It is our great honor to announce that CATIMA FORWARDING GMBH has joined GLA Family as a golden member from Germany.If you need Germany service, you can feel free to contact Mr.wenzel - catima.About CATIMA FORWARDING GMBHWe understand that our clients and the...
Time: 2021-10-19 | Publisher: Kevin
In the recent period of time, trans Pacific routes have been rising. Until a few days before October, sea freight prices suddenly fell sharply. Some data show that the decline in three days is equivalent to the rise in three months, and the popular routes fell by nearly 22%. Is the peak season of container transportation market...
Time: 2021-10-19 | Publisher: Kevin
It is our great honor to announce that PT. SUNGGONG LOGISTICS has joined GLA Family as a golden member from Indonesia.If you need Indonesia service, you can feel free to contact Ms.Debrina - Ayu.About PT. SUNGGONG LOGISTICSSunggong Logistics founded in 2009 ...
Time: 2021-10-18 | Publisher: Kevin
In North America, containers are still piling up in ports, which makes port operation very difficult.Not only in port Los Angeles and long beach. According to the New York Times, the container accumulation at Savannah port, the third largest container port in the United States, is also very serious.According to statistics, n...
Time: 2021-10-18 | Publisher: Kevin
It is our great honor to announce that Servicios Especializados de Aduana y Logstica, S.A. has renewed GLA Family as a golden member from Guatemala.If you need Guatemala service, you can feel free to contact Ms.Amy - Zepeda.About Servicios Especializados de Aduana y Logstica, S.A.For ...
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