时间: 2016-03-03 | 编辑: glafamily
LONG BEACH, California — A panel of ocean shipping experts gazed in their crystal balls and saw very different outcomes for shipping patterns after the Panama Canal opens its new larger locks to commercial traffic in June.A panel, “The New Panama Canal — What It Means,” at the JOC’s 16th Annual TPM Confe...
时间: 2016-02-29 | 编辑: glafamily
The breakbulk and heavy-lift trade is alive and well in Texas. The state’s non-container ports are in the middle of a multiyear boom brought on by construction of massive industrial plants that are being built around the ports of Brownsville and Corpus Christi to take advantage of the abundance of shale oil and gas flowing out of t...
时间: 2016-02-25 | 编辑: admin
There is no such thing as a perfect network. However, for independent freight companies these days networks are the best way to have agencies all over the world. We all know that since networks are not 100% perfect in and of themselves (believe me, we’re doing our very best!) sometimes people are forced to go outside the network to ge...
时间: 2016-02-24 | 编辑: glafamily
The Baltic Dry Index is now down to 293, near 50% down on a year ago and almost 40% down just so far this year. This does not though, despite a remarkable amount of panicking over it, mean that global trade has fallen off a cliff. It does not even mean that global trade has contracted at all. The important point here being, as it i...
时间: 2016-02-23 | 编辑: glafamily
A surprise walkout by longshoremen at the Port of New York and New Jersey may leave retail shippers wondering about the future of labor relations at the East Coast’s largest port. Operations are supposed to return to normal on Monday after emergency negotiations ended a walkout on Friday by members of the Internatio...
时间: 2016-02-23 | 编辑: glafamily
While China and Thailand struggled economically last year, Cambodia bucked the odds with the volume of airfreight shipments to and from the country increasing 14 percent, year-over-year, in 2015, according to The Phnom Penh Post. Khek Norinda, communications director for Cambodia Airports, which manages the kingdom’s thr...
时间: 2016-02-23 | 编辑: glafamily
The Port of New York and New Jersey ground to a halt Friday after members of the International Longshoremen’s Association staged a surprise walkout, only to reopen about nine hours later after emergency negotiations with the port’s leading shipping association.John Nardi, president of the New York Shipping Associati...
时间: 2016-02-23 | 编辑: glafamily
Congratulations, ASB LOGISTICS CO.,LTD has formally becom the VIP member of GLAIt is well known that ASB is the specialist in Break Bulk,RORO,OOG in china and ASB has accumulated 15-year rich experience in this field. ASB is always focusing on provide designed transportation program to guarantee ...