Your location:Home > News > Welcome GLA New Membership-ASHUTOSHH SHIIPPING & LOGISTICS in India
Time:2019-05-28 Publisher:Foranting Num:6680
Dear GLA Membership, good day
We have the honor to announce that ASHUTOSHH SHIIPPING & LOGISTICS joins GLA family as GLA India membership. If you need service from/to India , you can contact [Mr.]Kunal - Thakkar
below is his contact details and company brief introduction. (Member ID : 8668)
[Mr.]Kunal – Thakkar/Director
Mob: +91-8104753382
E-mail :
Skype: ashutoshhshiipping
Tel: +91-022-27841813
ASL Group is a well-established Freight Forwarder and has been serving its clients WITH OVER 70 YEARS having Oldest Custom Broker License issued by the Indian Customs & is among the
oldest family managed Customs Brokerage & Total Logistics Company in India.
Ashutoshh Shiipping & Logistics offers Rock Bottom Ocean Freight rates for major destinations. we always ensure to provide our customers with better access to the most competitive transit times
as well as rates.
Our comprehensive solutions in freight forwarding and cargo handling ensures new and improved SINGLE- WINDOW BUSINESS SOLUTIONS for all logistics requirements.
We also offer flexible and technologically advanced international ocean freight forwarding services tailored to meet individual requirements at the lowest possible cost.
We now occupy a prominent position in the industry this has been possible due to our consistent efforts and value added services rendered by us to our esteemed clients.
Let's warmly welcome ASHUTOSHH SHIIPPING & LOGISTICS joins GLA family!
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