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GLA New Membership - Modern Transporters in Egypt

Time:2019-04-18 Publisher:Foranting Num:8369

Dear GLA Membership, good day


We have the honor to announce that Modern Transporters joins GLA family as Egypt membership. If you need service from/to Egypt, u can contact Mr. Emad Yahia . Below is his contact details and company brief introduction.


Emad Yahia


 Section Head

( Freight & Clearance Dep.) 


Tel/Fax : +( 2) 02 33766635 

 M : + (2)  01129013030 / 01062391455


Company Profile:


Modern Transporters for Trade (MTS) was established recently in 2014 as one of the SIG ( Seoudi Investment Group ) specializing in providing Logistics services

We has grown up rapidly for over 5 years through consistent efforts of the staff, strong support of all domestic customers and overseas partners.

We have set up our own offices in main ports of Egypt, including Alex port, Sokhna , port saed , Damietta And Cairo airport.

We have more than 60 dedicated professional staff serving for our domestic and overseas customers in MTS.

We have very good and close co-operation with the most of important shipping lines which can offer us very competitive rates, such as CHINA SHIPPING, PIL, MSC, APL, and SAFMARINE etc.



Our services: 

►Ocean Freight

►Air Freight

►Customs Clearance

►Inland transportation



Ø Ro-Ro shipments

Ø Break bulk  




Let welcome Modern Transporters to join GLA family as Egypt membership from 2019-2020. 

2018 the 6th GLA Panel Discussion Wonderful Review

2018 the 6th Global Logistics Conference Live Playback:

Modern Transporters in Egypt

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