Your location:Home > News > GLA Membership-Apex International Inc in Japan
Time:2018-12-18 Publisher:Amy Num:5793
Dear Friends , good day
We have the honor to announce that Apex International Inc has joined GLA family as Japan membership. If you need any service from/to Japan, please feel free to contact Mr. Steve Ko, below is his team contact details and company brief introduction.
Steve Ko
Managing Director
Tel . 81-3-5408-3588 Fax . 81-3-5408-3589
Cell . 81-90-2248-0377 Skype . steve_apex
Address. 7F, Toyokuni Bldg, 2-4-6, Shiba-daimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012 Japan
Company Brief Introduction:
Together with a group of well experience staffs, we established Apex International. We take this step to face the new challenge and new century that lies ahead of us. Today logistics goes beyond the traditional functions of cargo handling, inventory management and transportation arrangement. As the world move towards a knowledge base and hi-tech transportation, we are here to participate and enable a smooth excellent service. We conduct our business in accordance with high ethical standards. Transparency, integrity and professionalism are our hallmarks because we believe in long-term mutual benefit for the client and ourselves. We attribute our success to ability and willingness to respond to the constantly changing market environment that has come to characterize the field of international trade. To meet these challenges, Apex International offers an array of services tailored to the needs of each individual customer.
ü Air Freight Service
ü Ocean Freight Service
ü Ground Freight Service
ü Global Network
ü Project Cargo
Welcome Apex International Inc join GLA family as Japan membership.
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