Your location:Home > News > The International Co-operation Forum of Latvia and China
Time:2018-07-02 Publisher:Amy Num:13656
The International Co-operation Forum of Latvia and China successfully held by GLA Global Logistics Alliance in Shenzhen, China On June 21, 2018.
With the continuous advancement of China's “The Belt and Road”. Latvia, as an important node in Europe, has also proposed to open up new markets in Asia and regards cooperation with China as a priority for national development strategies. This meeting has opened up new space and opportunities for the future cooperation of the two countries’ industries.
H.E. Mr. Uldis Augulis, Minister, Ministry of Transport of Latvia (MOT); H.E. Mr. Maris Selga, Ambassador, Embassy of Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia(MFA); Mr. Kaspars Ozolins, State Secretary, MOT; Mr. Elina Luca Ratfeldere, Director, Department of International Project Coordination,MOT; Mr. Helmuts Kols, Counsellor, Embassy of Latvia; Mr. Gundars Abols, Chairman of the Board, LDZ Logistics; Mr. Martins Ziemanis, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Riga Freeport Authority(RBP); Mr. Igors Udodovs, DeputyCEO, Ventspils Freeport Authority (VBP); Mr. Mikelis Lapse, Chairman, National Container Terminal (NKT); Mr. Janis Kasalis, CEO, Riga Universal Terminal (RUT); Ms. Lauma Jenca, Member of the Board, Riga International Airport (RIX); Mrs Grace , The president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance; The president of Fenglian Shareholding Co.,Ltd Mr Wang Zilin; The president of Shenzhen Lianhe Creative Co.,Ltd Mr Liao Zhibin; The chairman of Fudahui Mr Wang Haiguang; CEO of Captain Mr Zhang Wei, and more than seventy Shenzhen enterprises attended this meeting.
The conference took the "The Belt and Road" as the main line. Under the background of the friendly cooperation between Latvia and China, the participants of the conference conducted a series of introductions and in-depth discussions on the cooperation between Latvia and China
H.E. Mr. Uldis Augulis,Minister, Ministry of Transport of Latvia (MOT)
Mr. Helmuts Kols, Counselor, Embassy of Latvia, MOT
Grace Sun President of GLA Global Logistics Alliance(GLA)
Mr. Gundars Abols, Chairman of the Board, LDZ Logistics
During the meeting, Latvian enterprise representatives made relevant introductions and future developments on industrial parks, international maritime transportation and logistics cooperation.
Mr. Igors Udodovs,Deputy CEO from Ventspils Freeport Authority (VBP)
Mr. Martins Ziemanis, Deputy CEO from Riga Freeport Authority (RBP)
Mr. Janis Kasalis, CEO from Riga Universal Terminal (RUT)
Mr. Mikelis Lapse, CEO from National Container Terminal (NKT)
Ms. Lauma Jenca, Member of the Board ,Riga International Airport (RIX)
The Chinese companies and Latvia representatives actively shared and exchanged views on the current macroeconomic situation and international cooperation during the meeting.
HE Mr. Uldis Augulis, Minister of Transport of Latvia, Mr. Gundars Abols, Chairman of Latvia Railway Corporation, Mr. Martins Ziemanis, Deputy Executive of Riga Freeport Authority, Mr. Igors Udodovs, Deputy Executive Officer, Ventspils Freeport Authority, board member of Riga International airport Ms. Lauma Jenca successfully signed strategic cooperation agreements with the president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance Network Mrs Grace. The successful signing of a strategic cooperation agreement under the witness of the Counselor of the Latvian Embassy and the China-Latvia
Corporation, laid a foundation for the future resource sharing and long-term development of both parties.
HE Mr. Uldis Augulis, Minister of Transport of Latvia and Mrs Grace president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance
Mr. Gundars Abols, Chairman of the Board, LDZ Logistics and Mrs Grace president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance
Mr. Martins Ziemanis , Deputy CEO from Riga Freeport Authority (RBP) and Mrs Grace president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance
Mr. Igors Udodovs , Deputy CEO from Ventspils Freeport Authority (VBP) and Mrs Grace president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance
Ms. Lauma Jenca, Member of the Board ,Riga International Airport (RIX) and Mrs Grace president of GLA Global Logistics Alliance
As an important node to enter Europe, Latvia attaches great importance to China's "The Belt and Road" strategic agreement. Together with the GLA Global Logistics Alliance to promote industry collaboration, mutual benefit, draw up the grand blueprint to jointly build new opportunities for prosperity and development.
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