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GLA Membership Renewal-MultiLevel Project & Transport bvba in Belgium

Time:2018-03-05 Publisher:Bill Num:8654

Dear GLA Memberships, good day


We have the honor to announce that MultiLevel Project & Transport bvba join GLA family as Belgium membership by membership renewal. If you need any service from/to Belgium, please feel free to contact with Mr. Patrick, below is his contact details and company brief introduction.






ProCon & ManServ Bvba  i.o.v.

MultiLevel Project & Transport bvba

Patrick Van Den Wijngaert    /  


Phone +32 (0) 14 56 40 57

Mobile +32 (0) 478 56 40 57

Telefax +32 (0) 14 56 40 58

Website :


Company Brief introduction:


Our formula of success


    - motivated employees
    - Kindness
    - Attention
    - Service
    - Flow of information
    - Precision


Transports from a`nd to Antwerp / Zeebrugge / Rotterdam

- Container trucking
    - Transport by tilt-trailer
    - Temperature controlled transports
    - Exceptional transports


Customs formalities in Antwerp / Zeebrugge / Rotterdam

    - Import clearance, fiscal representation
    - Export customs formalities
    - Fiscal representation for export (possible only in Antwerp and Zeebrugge)
    - Issuing EUR1, ATR, T2L, …


Cargo Handling in Antwerp / Zeebrugge / Rotterdam

    - Breakbulk cargo
    - Stuffing / stripping containers / flats

    - At place of delivery, respectively during transhipment on another modal (if desired)
    - At port of loading

Seaworthy packaging
    - Packages with standard dimensions / weights at our packaging Company
    - Over dimensional / heavy packages at the export terminal in the port of loading


Shippers Own Containers

    - Directly from carriers or leasing companies
    - Selection by MLPT, before delivery pictures will be provided to our customers


Welcome Multilevel Project & Transport  join GLA family as Belgium membership. 

MultiLevel Project & Transport bvba, GLA Belgium Membership

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