Your location:Home > News > Warning! India's largest port launches new regulations
Time:2023-01-10 Publisher:Kevin Num:4576
As the Indian government and industry stakeholders pay more attention to the efficiency of the supply chain, the customs authorities of the Port of Navasiva (also known as the Port of Nehru, JNPT) in India are taking active measures to speed up the flow of goods.
The latest measure allows the exporter to obtain the "Export License" (LEO) license without presenting the usual complex Form-13 document when driving the truck loaded with goods into the parking area notified by the port customs.
It is understood that the verification of Form-13 documents will usually delay the passage of trucks, resulting in port congestion. The customs said that only when the truck leaves the parking space, including the refrigerated box, it needs to show the LEO license, hoping that this measure can simplify the transportation process.
The new decree said: "This approach aims to ensure that containers can be directly transported to the port terminal after leaving the centralized parking area.
The transportation of export containers/trailers should be planned by the exporter so that they can arrive at the port nearest to the possible date of the ship's stop, and have some extra time to avoid the last-minute congestion."
Form-13 is submitted in advance through an integrated online system, including details of vehicle and driver, container number, seal details and route, which is a prerequisite for goods entering LEO customs clearance.
Trucks drivers who are found to have mismatched information often have to face the problem of entry delay, which hinders the transportation of goods at the terminal.
This change stems from the shipper's complaint that the process of transporting a full container to obtain a customs license resulted in delays and additional costs.
In recent weeks, due to the slow road construction in the port, the Navasiwa port terminal has to deal with the intermittent truck queuing problem.
As part of the automation work, the Navasiwa Customs has cancelled a procedure in the past, which requires truck drivers to show the hard copy of the entry permit for export goods issued in electronic form.
In recent years, the customs and port/terminal authorities of Navasiwa Port have launched a series of measures to simplify business, including paperless gate system, truck parking lot, direct port delivery (DPD) and direct port entry (DPE) services, to reduce the waiting time of goods, improve the stay time and overall productivity.
The DPD mode has covered most of the imported goods in the port of Navasiwa, and these goods can be cleared directly from the port within 48 hours after arriving at the port.
According to the port data, from April to November, the DPD cargo volume of all terminals in Navasiwa Port accounted for 66% of the full load import volume, while the DPE cargo volume accounted for 45% of the factory container export volume in the same period.
With the completion of the privatization of the terminal, the Port of Navasiwa may see the competition among terminal operators intensify, which will bring higher productivity and price advantages to the carrier.
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