Your location:Home > News > Celerity Supply Chain (Pvt) Ltd. become GLA membership in Pakistan
Time:2017-06-19 Publisher:admin Num:8188
Dear GLA membership, good day
We have the honor to announce that Celerity Supply Chain (Pvt) Ltd. Join GLA family as Pakistan membership. If you need support from/to Pakistan, Mr. Ahmed can give your support. Below is his contact and company brief introduction.
Ahmed M.Hilal,
Asstt. General Manager (Freight Forwarding)
Celerity Supply Chain (Pvt) Ltd,
301, Business Arcade, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, 75400
Tel: 34535517-18 ETX: 104
Mob: +92-313-2313618
Tel: +92-310-2454478
Company Brief introduction:
Celerity Supply Chain (Pvt) Ltd., leading logistics company with experienced and professional team of our own source of logistics and management that comply timely, economically and safely services to its customers. As conventional services of logistics is changing by giving solution to customers have adopted by Celerity and our prime customers are at ease to ensure that we are their part of business dealing.
Our services include Domestic and International Freight transport solutions. Import and export customs clearance, Ocean/Airfreight consolidation with door to airport and door to door services, Ocean/Air Freight - Full Container Load & Less than Container Load services, Sea-Air movements, Air-Air movements, Sea-Shore Shipment, Transshipments, Cross Shipment arrangements, Warehousing & Distribution, Overland Transportation to up country - FTL & LTL,Procurement & Outsourcing, Project Management, Consultancy Services and many more.
We take the time to understand your company’s logistic needs. Our personal involvement and global network ensure that your shipments will meet all regional, national and international regulations to help minimize delays and maximize productivity.
We are proud to be able to bring added value to the logistics operating chain and, through that, to create strong growth opportunities with customers and partners
Welcome Celerity Supply Chain (Pvt) Ltd. Join GLA family as Pakistan membership.
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