Your location:Home > News > Shanghai Multiplex Int'l freight forwarding Co.,Ltd become GLA membership
Time:2017-04-11 Publisher:admin Num:9318
We have the honor to announce that Shanghai Multiplex Int'l freight forwarding Co.,Ltd become GLA membership in China.If you need support from Shanghai, you can contact with Sunny. Below is her contact and company details.
Shanghai Multiplex Concept Int'l Freight Forwarding Co.,Ltd
Room D,9F YuJia Building,No.1336 Hua Shan Rd.,
Shanghai 200052 China
Direct:8621-6213 8186
Mob:86 13701693471
Shanghai Multiplex Int'l freight forwarding Co.,Ltd is in shanghai and company employ 12 staff.
We are experienced in the fields of international projects movements by air, sea and land as well as specialized lifts , the special handling of oversized, out-of-gauge and heavy lift cargo.
It is our big pleasure to be a glowing GLA member and will do our very best to help our fellow members to develop more business opportunities with a multi-win-win situation".
Welcome Shanghai Multiplex Int'l freight forwarding Co.,Ltd join GLA family as Shanghai membership.
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