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Welcome! New GLA Golden Plus Member from Canada ———— Sandhar Trucking Ltd

Time:2024-09-13 Publisher:Kevin Num:3329

It is our great honor to announce that Sandhar Trucking Ltd has joined GLA Family as a golden plus member from Canada ,If you need Canada service, you can feel free to contact Parm Sandhar.

About Sandhar Trucking Ltd.

Founded over 35 years ago with just one 5-ton truck, Sandhar Trucking Ltd. has undergone an incredible journey of growth and transformation. We are a family owned transportation and warehousing company that began operations in Richmond, BC. Since then, our company has expanded its services throughout Canada to include LTL / FTL trucking, container drayage, flat-deck transport and warehousing.

Sandhar Trucking is authorized to access all the major ports and rails in Greater Vancouver. We are classified by Port Metro Vancouver as a large fleet carrier that provides daily container trucking service to and from the Deltaport, Vanterm, Centerm, Fraser Surrey Docks, CN Rail and CP Rail. Our sufferance warehouse is bonded by the CBSA, allowing us to conduct intact container examinations and in-bond transloads. The facility is approximately 175,000 square feet and it has 22 loading docks, 13 railcar loading bays, grade doors and 3 acres of secure parking. Our company provides LTL/FTL and flat-deck services across Canada.

We are dedicated to ensuring we exceed our customers expectations for every pickup and delivery. We understand that communication is key in this industry and that is why we stay in touch with our customers on a regular basis. We confirm deliveries a minimum of 24 hours prior to avoid having costly issues. By having a proactive approach to our operations, we minimize mistakes and keep our customers satisfied. We always try to give our customers options that work best with their schedules. Before dispatching a truck, we call shipping or receiving warehouses to find out their hours of operations and learn about their delivery requirements and preferences. After we obtain this information, then we book appointments that work best with the warehouse’s schedule. We have become one of the leading trucking companies in BC because we know how to synchronize our operations with other warehouses schedules.tructure. Reverse logistics for products in US and Canada.

Let's warmly welcome Sandhar Trucking Ltd to join GLA Family from 2024 to 2027.

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